Sunday, 26 May 2013

How to Unroot the Sony Xperia P

Unroot the Sony Xperia P
Sony Xperia P has gotten a root method as well as a custom recovery to let users get the most out of their device. Sometimes while modifying the device using these powers, you may end up with your device screwed up. Though it happens in very rare cases, but if it’s the case with you, then we’d recommend you to take your device to the nearest service center. But before you do that, make sure you have unrooted your device as it’ll restore the warranty of your device, thus you won’t have any issues at the center. In this guide, we’re gonna show you how you can unroot your Sony Xperia P smartphone. Let’s get started:

I. Before You Begin:

1. You must have rooted your device using the procedure given here. If you rooted using any other method, then the following procedure may or may not work for you.
2. This works on Windows based PCs only.

II. Downloading Required Files:

III. Unrooting the Sony Xperia P:

1. Place the Root Package archive on the Desktop of your PC.
2. Extract files from the archive to your Desktop. Don’t run any files just yet.
3. Enable the USB debugging option on your device by going to Menu>>Settings>>Developer options>>USB debugging.
4. Connect your device to your PC using the USB cable.
5. Double-click on the RunMe.bat file you extracted to your Desktop.
6. Select Unroot option in the tool and it’ll start unrooting your device.
7. Once it’s done, reboot your device.
8. And you’re unrooted now!
Awesome! Your device has successfully been unrooted and you will no longer be able to install root-only apps. Not to worry about that, as you’ve got a golden gem and that’s your warranty!!!
Do At Your Own Risk!!!!

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