Friday, 28 June 2013

How To Root Sony Xperia Z on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Official Firmware


We are glad that Sony Xperia Z is start receiving the official Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean update. Absolutely, Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean firmware is running smoother with optimized lock screen widget as well as enhanced notification center. Sony Mobile is start rolling out latest Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean firmware regionally. Follow our guide to update your Sony Xperia Z to latest Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean official firmware. In addition, today we like to share tutorial on how to root Sony Xperia Z on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean official firmware 10.2.A.0.423. The root method below is applicable for both Sony Xperia Z GSM C6602 and Sony Xperia Z LTE C6603 models.

1. Before You Begin:

  1. Sony Xperia Z (either C6602 or C6603 models) with 10.2.A.0.423 Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean Firmware
  2. Windows-based computer or laptop
  3. Download Sony Xperia Z USB driver for Windows and install in your computer
  4. Connect device to computer with USB cable to complete installation.
  5. Skip this step if you have installed the Sony PC Companion.
  6. Enable USB Debugging on your device.
  7. Make sure your phone is charged to 60% 80% to avoid battery blackout and interruption during this tutorial.
  8. We recommend you make a backup on your data and media files before the tutorial.

2. Downloading Required Files:

  1. Easy Root Toolkit

3. Rooting the Sony Xperia Z:

  1. Download to your computer.
  2. Extract the zip file into a folder. You should see a “files” folder and a “runme.bat”.
  3. Ensure you have enabled USB Debugging and enable “Unknown Sources” in Settings->Security->Unknown Sources on your device.
  4. Connect your device to computer while it is powered on.
  5. Skip “PC Companion Software” prompt on the device screen.
  6. Download click to launch “runme.bat”.
  7. [Follow screen instructions] Press any key to continue.
  8. Complete the process to install busybox and SuperUser.
  9. Reboot your device when the script finish execution and you should have root access gained.
  10. If you are facing issue of device rebooting when remounting /system partition then do checkout the fix posted by @[NUT]
  11. Download root checker to check your root status.

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